
Showing posts from August, 2022

Stroke, types, causes, clinical features ,Examination, investigation

 Stroke is a focal neurological defect resulting in the destruction of brain tissues / lasting more than 24 hours of sudden development due to a defect in cerebral blood vessels.   T ypes :- I schaemic stroke - Damage to the brain from interruption of its blood supply Hemorrhagic stroke - a ruptured blood vessel causes bleeding inside the brain. Embolic stroke - blood clot or debris (embolus) travels from one part of the body and lodges in a narrower brain artery, blocking blood flow to the brain. Lacunar stroke -    artery to the deep part of the brain,  like the thalamus or basal ganglia, is blocked          C auses for Ischaemic stroke   main cause is Thrombo embolism, which is caused by  Mitral stenosis with A trial fibrillations Sub Acute Bacterial Endocarditis Ischaemic heart disease especially MI Causes for haemorrhagic stroke Hypertension Arteriovenous Malformation Rupture of Aneurysms.  Clinical features:- Ca be p...

Sleep Apnoea, Causes why it occurs.

 A cessation of breaking for more than 10 seconds   Causes :- recurrent collapse of the upper airways leading to disturbed sleep Loss of muscle tone in pharynx as the patient relaxes during sleep ( obstructive sleep apnoea)  Obesity or enlarged tonsils or adenoids.  Abnormal central nervous system control of breathing ( central sleep apnoea)  Restrictive disorders of chest wall e.g Scoliosis or ankylosis spondylosis Pulmonary hypertension Respiratory or heart failure depends in severe cases. 

Physiotherapy treatment for Cerebral palsy patient

Lifting and Carrying The therapist needs to instruct the patient or caregivers to carry the child in special way in order to prevent worsening of deformities.  Positioning Lying Supine - a pillow placed under the head, or a pillow on both sides of the head and shoulders often promotes symmetry.  Prone Children are often more symmetrical in this position, but a prone wedge board is used to raise the upper torso off the floor so that they use their hands to stabilize and heads to extend.  W- Sitting Standing prevents the deformity at the ankle. While standing the hips and knees should be extended hips slightly externally rotated and abducted knees should be straight and feet should be plantigrade.  Floor Sitting - Types Corner sitting: the child sits supporting the back in a corner of the wall, chair or sofa with legs supported by gaiters. In India, where there is little furniture in many houses, and all activities are on the floor, the child is given a corner floor se...

Cerebral palsy, Etiology, types, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.

It is a disorder of movement & posture caused by non-progressive injury to the immature brain.  There is change in muscle tone and posture both at rest and with Voluntary activity Etiology:- Arising from permanent brain damage attack before, during or immediately after birth.  Prenatal factors Perinatal factors Post natal factors Pre - Natal:-  Hereditary (genetic factors).  Prenatal infections including Viral(rubella), Bacterial & parasitic (Toxoplasmosis).  Foetal anoxia caused by hemorrhage from premature separation of placenta or Mal- development of placenta Rh Incompatibility Including Erythroblastosis foetalis , Haemolytic anaemia & hyper bilirubin Metabolic disorders such as Maternal diabetic  & Toxemia of pregnancy Developmental defects which include Mal development of brain, Vascular & skeletal structures.  Peri Natal factors :- Rupture of the brain blood vessels Compression of brain during prolonged or difficult labor....

Tuberculosis, causes, symptoms, pathology, tests, treatment.

 Tuberculosis is a chronic infections disease caused by a bacteria Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.  It is also called as Koch's disease.  The disease is confined to the lungs in most patient s but may spread to almost any part of the body.  Upper lobe of the lung is usually affected.  Causes :- It is caused by the 2 species of bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis & rarely Mycobacterium bovis.  Mode of entry:- Tubercle bacilli may gain entry into the body usually by Inhalation/ Ingestion.  Rarely, they gain entry through the skin, tonsils, Conjunction & external genitalia.  Mode of Transmission: - TB germs are passed through the air when a person who is sick with TB disease coughs, sings, sneeze or laughs.  TB infection :- TB germs stay in your lungs, but they do not multiply or make you sick.  TB disease :- TB germs stay in your lungs or move to other parts of the body, multiply or make you sick.  Clinical features:- Cough (2-3 w...

Hypertension, types, causes, symptoms, investigation, treatment

 A systolic (pressure measured when heart contracts)  >139 mm Hg, and / or a Diastolic BP ( pressure when heart relaxes) >89 mmHg.  Criteria for classification of BP:- Category                    Systolic       Diastolic Normal  -                   <120             <80 Pre- hypertension   120-139        80-89 Hypertension Stage -1                      140-159        90-99 Stage -2                      >=160           >=100 Hypertension (Crisis) :- Hypertension Emergencies (Malignant hypertension) are characterized by severe elevations in BP (>180/120mm hg) with progressive end- organ dysfunction.  Hyper...

Scurvy, Clinical features, Etiology, radiography, Treatment.

It is a nutritional disorder by deficiency of vitamin C and is characterized clinically by a generalized hemorrhagic tendency. The severe form of disease is rare and mild varieties are more common. Deficiency targets the cells of skeletal system more often.  Etiology:- Most frequent between 5 & 10 months in artificially fed infants.  Vitamin C deficient diet.  When seen with rickets it is called Barton's disease.  History :- More than half the crew of Vasco da Gama died from scurvy on his first trip(1497-99) around the Cape of Good Hope.  In 1747, the Scottish naval surgeon James Lind treated scurvy- ridden sailors with lemons and orange and obtained dramatic cures.  In 1795, the British navy began to distribute regular rations of lime juice during long sea voyages and this was successful in prevention scurvy. It was probably the first disease to be definitely associated with a dietary deficiency.  Clinical features:- The affected child is restless...