Hydrotherapy, benefits
The uniqueness of water lies mainly in its buoyancy, which relieves stress on weight bearing joints and Permits movement to take place with reduced gravitational forces. Other properties are of water in pool rehab:- Hydrostatic pressure, Surface tension Hydrodynamics. The upward buoyancy exerts on an immersed body reduces the weight on the recovering muscles and joints in chronic arthritis. Buoyancy varies according to depth; the deeper it is, the lesser is the weight in comparison to land- weight. Hydrostatic pressure, which is the pressure exerted equally in all directions by the fluid on the surface of an immersed body in the water is used in management of edema. Force is necessary to overcome the viscosity of the water, or it's surface tension . This property of hydrodynamics can be used by progressively increasing resistance during strength training programs. Swimmers have extremely well developed Latissimus dorsi due to the pr...