Head injuries,symptoms, causes, pathology, types, examination, treatment, physio
It is the insult to the brain caused by external physical force leading to altered conscious levels, cognitive problems as well as motor & sensory deficits. Commonly called traumatic brain injuries. Head injuries have increased due to increased traffic and decreased traffic sense. Most of the cases are proved to be fatal death. Incidence:- High Head injuries from road traffic accidents are most common in young males. RTA's although constituting only about 25% of all patients with head injury, are the cause of more severe injuries. RTA's contribute to 60%of deaths from head injury, of these half die before reaching hospital. Causes of head injuries:- Road traffic accidents (RTA's) Gunshot Riots Blow or hit on the head Fall from heights. Pathology:- Primary brain damage - Occuring at impact Secondary brain damage - Occuring due to ongoing neuronal damage, haematoma, brain swelling, Ischaemia Or infection. Types of...