
Showing posts from April, 2024

Cerebral palsy meaning, Causes, Treatment

  Cerebral Palsy This is a disorder of movement and posture caused by a non- progressive lesion in the immature brain.  Lesions In Cerebral palsy the lesion could be either in the brain or the upper cervical cord.  Causes : In Cerebral palsy the causes are different in prenatal, natal, postnatal and perinatal period Treatment Unfortunately, there is no cure for CP. Hence the aim of treatment is to increase patients assets as much as possible and minimize his or her defects.  Overall the treatment may include one or more of the following: Physical therapy; Occupational therapy; speech therapy; drugs to control seizures, alleviate pain, or relax muscle spasms ; hyperbaric oxygen; the use of Botox to relax contracting muscles; surgery to correct anatomical abnormality or release tight muscles; braces and other orthotic devices; rolling walkers; and communication aids such as computers with attached voice synthesizes.  Order of preference to improve the quality of ...

Calcaneal spurs, meaning, causes, treatment, physiotherapy

  Calcaneal spurs   It is a spike of bone at the anterior edge of the calcaneal tuberosity (usually medial) and is called calcaneal enthesiopathy.  Causes :- Repeated attack of plantar fascitis.  Repeated trauma Constant pulls of the Shortened plantar fascia.  I'll fitting footwear Fibromatosis of the plantar fascia.  Treatment :- Conservative method Physiotherapy management Measure to relieve stress on the plantar fascia After prolonged sitting bear weight on the toes instead of the heel.  During walking an appropriate wedge in the heel Alternatively an elongated soft heel-pad.  Walking on outer border of foot with the toes curled up.  Measures to strength the intrinsic muscles of the foot: As soon as the patient gets up in morning he is instructed to immense his foot in warm water and curl his toes and hold it for sometime.  Faradic stimulation of the foot.  Measures to strengthen the leg and calf muscle.  SLR exercise Prone ...