
Causes of low backache

  Common causes of low backache:-  Back muscle strain and ligament sprain Prolonged lumbar degenerative disc- due to improper weight lifting.  Obesity Poor posture Facet joint arthritis Unaccustomed activities Occupational causes Facet joint osteoarthritis - due to old age repeated bending twisting activities Spinal stenosis- due to degenerative process
  Axis or 2nd cervical vertebra may get fractured.  If dens of axis gets separated from the body(as in hanging), it hits the vital centres in the medulla oblongata causing instantaneous death Even fracture of laminae may cause death. 
                                Fracture Fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone.  The fracture which is not connected with the skin wound is known as simple(closed) fracture , The fracture line may be a)spiral or b) horizontal or c) oblique The fracture which communicates with the skin wound is known as d) Compound (open) fracture.  A fracture requires "reduction" By which the alignment of the broken ends is restored Healing repair of a fracture takes place in three stages: A) Repair by granulation tissue B) Union by callus C) Consolidation by mature bone. 

Anatomy suffix, clinical anatomy

  Clinical Anatomy The suffix,  'itis' means inflammation, e.g. arthritis, appendicitis, etc.  The suffix, '- ectomy ', means removal from the body e.g. gastrectomy etc.  The suffix, '- otomy', means to open and close a hallow organ e.g. hysterotomy, cystotomy, etc.  The suffix, '- ostomy', means to open hallow organ and leave it open e.g. tracheostomy, colostomy, etc.  The suffix, '- oma', means a tumour e.g. osteoma, carcinoma, etc.  Puberty: The age at which the secondary sexual characters develop. Being 12-15 years in girls and 13-16 years in boys.  Symptoms are subjective complaints of the patient about his disease.  Signs (physical signs) are objective findings of the doctor on the patient.  Diagnosis : Identification of a disease, or determination of the nature of a disease.  Prognosis : Forecasting the probable course and ultimate outcome of a disease.  Pyrexia : Fever Lesion : Injury, or a circumscribed pathologic chan...

Pulley Exercises

  Pulley Systems:- Free Standing Or wall mounted pulley systems ( with weights or springs) provide either fixed or variable resistance and can be used for upper and lower extremity and trunk strengthening. 
  Problem in ADL in Stroke: Dressing      -      Apraxia Language    -      Receptive aphasia Recognizing objects  - Agnosia Naming objects      -    Nominal aphasia Reading       -      Dyslexia Writing        -      Dysgraphia Calculating  -      Dyscalculia Geometric pattern  - Construction apraxia


  Bone Bone is one-third connective tissue. It is impregnated with calcium salts which constitute the remaining two- thirds part.  The inorganic Calcium salts (mainly calcium phosphate, partly calcium carbonate, and traces of other salts) make it hard and rigid.  The organic connective tissue (collagen fibers) makes it tough and resilient (flexible).